Many people have now taken to Twitter to share posts about February 22, 2022 is which is both a palindrome and an ambigram.
Today’s date is February 22/02/2022 in mm-dd-yyyy British format. So what? You may ask. Well, pause for a moment and check again. This is a date that is a mathematical rarity and will not happen in our lifetime again. This is a date on which all numbers line up to give the “22022022” date. Yes, today’s date is a palindrome. However, that is not all because it is an ambigram too.
Palindrome, according to Oxford Dictionaries is defined as “a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward.” An ambigram, on the other hand, is a calligraphic design that appears to be same when viewed from upside down.
The story of this interesting date doesn’t end here. Guess what has intrigued netizens, especially Twitter users, most about this date? It is that the date falls on Tuesday. Hence, without missing the opportunity, many are also expressing their wonder about this day by calling it “Twosday”.