Google Adsense Account Verification without Address Verification PIN or Alternate Methods for Google Adsense Account Verification
Here we are going to show to step by step guide how to get verify your Google Adsense Account without Address Verification PIN.
PIN verification is mandatory for Address Verification of your AdSense account.
Are you struggling with the delivery of AdSense Pin? Unable to verify your AdSense account & receive your first $100 from AdSense? You are not alone, as AdSense users from many countries are facing the similar situation due to mailing issues.
AdSense sends you a Pin once you have earned your first $10 in your AdSense account. This AdSense pin is unique for every AdSense account & they send it via courier to the Address that you have mentioned while creating an AdSense account. Usually, AdSense sends your PIN by standard mail after few days of reaching the verification threshold.
There are at max 3 attempts a user gets to receive AdSense verification PIN. If you’ve requested your maximum of 3 PINs and haven’t received any of them within four weeks of your last PIN request, Then you have the option to verify your account by uploading your Identification documents. learn how to verify your account
Please do not enter wrong verification PIN if you have not received your account verification PIN. There are only three tries available to enter your correct PIN. If you have missed that your account verification process failed.
You must wait and be patient for a few months your account will be verified either by AdSense pin or alternate methods that I have shared below.
Verification without PIN
After 4 months of 1st PIN generating date and 3 attempts of resending Address verification PIN google send you a message in your Adsense Account asking you for last chance to enter your PIN or If you dont’t have your PIN yet contact us to verify your account.
You may enter PIN if you have received your PIN on your mailing address or otherwise click on contact us link to show the identity verification form by google adsense.
Fill in your information accordingly and attach government provided identification documents such as your National ID Card (for Pakistan CNIC), Driving License document or utility bill i.e. electricity, telephone etc.
Google takes 48 hours to verify your documents and get verified your google adsense account and you will be informed via email by google.