Punjab Association of Subject Specialists (PASS) Weekly News Letter No. 110
- Interviews for the posts of CEOs & DEOs for all Divisions of the Punjab have been cancelled
- Sohail Shahzad has joined as special secretary operations of SED.
- Ayub qazi is new DEO khushab and Indiras Masih is new DEO Okara.
- Mst. Fatima has joined SO(SE¬_1) in SED.
- DG QAED pb and MD PCTB Rai Manzor Hussain have been caught b CORONA.
- Secretary SED directed the CEOs to improve their public dealings so as to resolve the issues of teachers and public.
- Date of PST Service Tribunal Seniority case is 23-07-2020
- A big change of DEOs, Dy DEOs and CEOs is expected in this month.
- Some files of SS & Heads about regularization and for correction in posting of BS 18 are yet to be approved by Secretary.
- Approx 100 officers of SED from BS 17 to 20 are OSD & getting salary without work and 100 schools, teachers and students are without Heads.
- SED has 5 Lac Officers/ officials on HRMs 14476 are of Bs (17 to 21) officers & other teachers are 485524, so SIS for Officers must be separate for smooth functioning of SED
- PASS & SSA jointly are requesting the Education Minister to upgrade the Middle school so that total posts of Bs 17 may increased.
- 4000 ESTs will not be disturbed by Rationalization if 1227 Middle school be up graded.
- Secretary SED issued the minutes of meeting which are appreciable in connection with teachers & Heads Demand ie. NSB, Audit and promotion.
- Secretary SED directed the lower formation to expedite the promotion of teachers and no negligence will be tolerated.
- Important Telephone Number of SED.
- 042-99212012, Secretary SED.
- 042- 99210128, Add Secretary SED
- 0300-4847814 PS to Secretary SED
- 0300-4175268, Section officer General
- SED directed the PMIU to distribute the books in all the Tehseel of Punjab.
- All SSS /SHM Deputies & Heads whose inquiries & other problems in their files of regularization they are given Extension in Contract.
- Contracts whose inquiries were pending they are going to be given 6-month Extension so they may get settled their inquiry before regularization.
- SED is serious for new Govt. set up, an extensive meeting had been held on new Govt Requirements.
- Criminals Case next date of Ghundas will be announced after Court summer vacation started from 22, June.