Meta to launch its new VR headset in October with special focus on social presence, according to Mark Zuckerberg. The headset will have the combination of mixed reality features.
He said that the new VR headset, a sequel to the popular Oculus 2, will focus on “social presence,” with features like eye-tracking and face-tracking. Headset is designed to capture users’ facial expressions and have them replicated on their avatars in real time to enhance non-verbal communication.
Meta’s AR glasses launch are a few years away.
Since Facebook was rebranded to Meta, the company has been recasting the whole company as a “metaverse” business rather than a social media one, pitching its strategy as one of building a universe of multiple, virtual worlds for all users.
Meta’s announcement comes weeks after the company raised the price of Oculus 2 from $299 to $399. While there’s no price information about the upcoming headset, Zuckerberg described it as a “pretty big step above Oculus 2,” so it will be significantly costlier than $400.