our earth is the third planet closest to the sun which comes after mercury
in venus at a distance of about 93 million miles
our earth is in a distance called goldilocks zone this means that it is a habitable place
which is not too hot or not too cold that allows water to remain liquid
so what would have happened if our earth is further away
or closer to the sun
imagine if the earth is too far from the sun the sun would be barely visible
and the earth’s ocean and much of its atmosphere would freeze
and if it is too close the earth’s surface would be so hot which will then
cause water to rapidly evaporate into the atmosphere
which is why earth is the only planet we know of that supports life
The earth is a very watery place do you know that our planet has been
called a blue planet due to the abundant water on its surface
which is about 71 percent are covered by oceans
and the remaining 29 for land that’s quite a lot of water isn’t it
plus since the ocean holds most of the earth’s water
only three percent of the water is fresh
which can be found in ice
glaciers in rivers while the remaining
of the water is salty that comes from the oceans

Have you ever wonder how old the earth is
formed after nearly 10 billion years since the universe itself came to be in
the big bang the scientists said that our earth is
estimated to be 4.5 billion years old which is the same age as the rest of the
solar system can you imagine that’s billion years ago
The earth has a diameter of roughly 12 742 kilometers
and this is about 3.5 billion times larger than a human
so because of that the earth is known as the fifth largest planet in our solar system
Do you know that your fingernails and the earth have something
in common many many years ago our earth didn’t
have seven continents but instead it has only one big super
continent called pangaea then a phenomenon called
continental drift happen where the supercontinent began to break
apart the continents of the earth are continuously moving and drifting apart
at about two to five centimeters peryear
and that’s the same rate at which our fingernails grow
and as we know today our earth has seven
they are north america ,
south america,
europe, africa, antarctica,
australia and the biggest continent
which is asia