The Higher Education Commission (HEC) & Education Testing Counil (ETC) will condact Undergraduate Studies Admission Test (USAT) for admission at the undergraduate level in universities operating all over Pakistan.
The USAT is designed on the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) pattern and covers all disciplines of Engineering,Medicine,(Allied Health),IT,Management and Social Sciences at the undergraduate entry level.The students after qualifying respective USAT would stand elligible to all relevant universities like the SAT.
who is elligible for USAT?
>> learn in secondary and higer secondary education, and >> Needs to succeed in an undergraduate program.
Test Structure of USAT:
The USAT is divided into three parts: 1. Reading,writing and mathematics. 2. Academic stream subjects 3. Essay writing.
Part-1 is based on 75 multiple choice questions. Part-2 of the includes assessing essay writing skills with the option to attempt it in either English or Urdu.These two sections are scored for a maximum total score of 100.Any score above 50 will be considered as a quailify USAT score.The maximum anyone can score on USAT would be the perfect score of 100.
The break-up of USAT is shown in the tables below: