Author: Imran

The ongoing political crisis in Sri Lanka due to the power struggle between President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and the Parliament of Sri Lanka. It is fueled by the anti-government protests and demonstrations by the public due to the economic crisis in the country. Sri Lankan prime minister said in an address to the nation the country urgently needed $75 million in foreign exchange to pay for essential imports. The Sri Lankan $81 billion economy is close to bankruptcy due to Russian’s invasion of Ukraine rising global prices of oil and other commodities. Prices surged upto 30% in the country. Former prime…

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7 Interesting Facts of Water – Top 10 Facts Water is Key for Life Water is necessary for all living things whether they live at the bottom of the ocean or the driest desert. Water made life possible on Earth. Water in Oceans Almost all of the water on Earth is in our oceans. 96.5 percent of Earth water is in the oceans covering 71 % surface of Planet Earth. Water in Ice 68 percent of Earth’s freshwater is locked in ice and glaciers. 30 percent of Earth’s freshwater is in groundwater, and remaining is available in lakes, rivers and…

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Telenor Answers Today 17-05-2022 – Test Your Skills – Telenor Free MBs Question 1: Environmentalists bycott the use of paper because it’s made from ___. LeatherClayRubberWood Answer: Wood Question 2: ____ layer is like an invisible shield that protects earth from solar radiation. BioOzone WaterOxygen Answer: Ozone You may also like: Global Regulatory Body for Crypto likely to be made for Cryptocurrency Regulations Question 3: Which of these gas is produced by the burning fuel? C-MonoxideHydrogenOxygenNitrogen Answer: C-Monoxide Question 4: Forests are considered ___ of earth. LegsHeadLungsHands Answer: Lungs Question 5: Which of the following is not directly affected by Global Warming? Glaciers Sea Level TemperatureInflation Answer: Inflation Steps…

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PTCL Duplicate Bill – How to Check PTCL Bill Online In this article we will guide your easy method to Check your PTCL Bill Online and also printout your PTCL duplicate bill PTCL Subscriber Information Enter Phone No: (Without Area Code) Enter Account ID: You can check your PTCL bill online and get a duplicate bill from the official website of PTCL. You can also check the following bills from the same website. PTCL Landline/VFone PostpaidCharji / EVO /Vfone / PGL/OTT PrepaidCharji / EVO PostpaidTelephone & Internet Setup ChargesUfone You can check all the above mentioned bills from the PTCL…

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Telenor Answers Today 16-05-2022 – Test Your Skills – Telenor Free MBs Question 1: Who was the first man to set foot on the Moon? N.ArmstrongPersie.JA.GliderJ.Black Answer: N.Armstrong Question 2: What is the most spoken language in the world? Chinese English MexicanUrdu Answer: English You may also like: Global Regulatory Body for Crypto likely to be made for Cryptocurrency Regulations Question 3: In which year did COVID-19 first appear? 2009201520232019 Answer: 2019 Question 4: How many eyes do Humans have? 4231 Answer: 2 Question 5: Which country consumes the most tea in the world? Pakistan Turkey DubaiChina Answer: Turkey Steps to get free Internet on Telenor SIM First, open…

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Top 10 Facts about Birds 1. All birds lay eggs All female birds lay eggs. Their baby birds then hatch out of the shells when they are ready. 2. All birds have feathers! All birds have feathers. Feathers help birds to fly. They help to control the wind when flying through the air. They also keep birds warm in the winter! 3. Birds don’t have teeth Birds don’t have teeth, they have to swallow food whole. They have an organ called a gizzard which grinds up their food. 4. Birds migrate to other countries A lot of birds migrate to…

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Top 10 Facts About Australia 1. Australia is a continent and a country 2. The Capital of Australia is Canberra 3. Kangaroos only exist in Australia 4. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the biggest reef system in the world 5. Australia is home to some dangerous animals 6. Australia was ‘discovered’ by European explorers in the 17th Century 7. Indigenous Australians have lived on the continent for over 65,000 years 8. Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world. 9. 90% of Australians live on the coast. 10. The Great Ocean Road is the world’s largest war memorial…

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Telenor Answers Today 15-05-2022 – Test Your Skills – Telenor Free MBs Question 1: How many hearts does an Octopus have? 1512311 Answer: 3 Question 2: What is the most popular spice in the world? CuminPepperBorageChilli Answer: Cumin You may also like: Global Regulatory Body for Crypto likely to be made for Cryptocurrency Regulations Question 3: What is the bat made up of? PlasticSteelIronWood Answer: Wood Question 4: What is the name of the tree which grows Acorns? BanyanMangroovePalAspen Answer: Oak Question 5: Which planet is farthest from the sun? UranusPlutoMarsSaturn Answer: Pluto Steps to get free Internet on Telenor SIM First, open the Telenor app.You have to click…

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Telenor Answers Today 14-05-2022 – Test Your Skills – Telenor Free MBs Question 1: When was Television invented? 2002200119911927 Answer: 1927 Question 2: What is the name of the sport in which a “Shuttercock” is used? GolfCricketBadmintonRugby Answer: Badminton You may also like: Global Regulatory Body for Crypto likely to be made for Cryptocurrency Regulations Question 3: How many countries are a part of NATO? 30100200300 Answer: 30 Question 4: Which U.S state is closest to Africa? FloridaMaineTexasHawaii Answer: Maine Question 5: When did the “Cold War” officially end? 1945196519801991 Answer: 1991 Steps to get free Internet on Telenor SIM First, open the Telenor app.You have to click on…

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An joint body to regulate the cryptocurrency regulations is likely to be made by International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) an association of global market regulators Regulations of cryptocurrencies is clear need of the time. IOSCO International organization has announced the focus areas for next year with crypto regulations on top of the list alongwith the topics of COVID and climate change by calling them 3Cs. You may also like: What is Bitcoin and how does it work? What is IOSCO The International Organization of Securities Commissions is an association of organizations that regulate the world’s securities and futures markets.…

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