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SED Punjab provided E-Retirement Notification, E-Leave, E-PERs and E-Seniority Lists on SIS

Government of the Punjab, School Education Department (SED) has issued a notification on 28-07-2021 in connection with E-Retirement Notification, E-Leave, E-PERs and E-Seniority List on School Information System (SIS).

Following modules are available on SIS in pursuance of digitization of school operations.

  1. Retirement Notification alongwith pension payment orders through the online system.
  2. submission of Performance Evaluation Reports to reporting officer and countersigning officer through the online system.
  3. Maintenance of Seniority list through the online system.
  4. sanctioning of leave through the online system.

SED has also provided guide/ procedure for using E-modules on SIS.

Procedure for E-Leave on SIS:

  1. Open HRMIS (
  2. Login with valid username and password
  3. To apply for leave just click on leave request
  4. You will see the rules in connection with casual leave
  5. just fill the compulsory fields there for leave grant
  6. You can check the leave rules with details alongwith the the leave status

Procedure for E-Seniority List

  1. Open HRMIS (
  2. Login with valid username and password
  3. Click on Seniority Management button
  4. Click on the concerned seniority list
  5. Select your gender
  6. Then click on updates
  7. Add your seniority and then update

Procedure for E-PER for Head Teacher

  1. Open HRMIS (
  2. Login with valid username and password
  3. Goto the tab PER/ACR and click on the “Add” button
  4. Fill in all the cells in the form and then click on “submit”
  5. Just wait for the approval of DEO and his/her comments

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