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Salaries of Government Employees to increase @ 15%

Federal Cabinet has approved the increase in Salaries of Government Employees @ 15 percent ahead of budget seminar held at National Assembly today. 5 percent increase in pension of government employees were also approved. The federal government has already approved 10 percent increase in pension during April this year.

According to details of budget for FY23 total volume of budget is about 9500 billion rupees in which 7255 billions will be collected through FBR from direct tax. Rs. 3523 billions are allocated for loan repayments. 1586 billion is allocated for defence estimates.

Our budget philosophy is to enhance agriculture production, especially the edible oil in order to reduce agricultural imports. We need to promote industries to bolster exports and earn valuable foreign exchange,

Miftah Ismael

Relief Measures for Employees

Key budgetary proposals

Due to the inflation, households earning less than Rs40,000 will be compensated by the government in addition to a significant increase in the funding for Benazir Income Support Program (BISP). BISP scholarship is being extended to 10 million students.

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