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Pakistan set to become member of International Olive Council – Olive plantation in Pakistan

Pakistan set to become member of International Olive Council

Pakistan has become the 19th member of International Olive Council (IOC). The IOC’s goal is to plant tens of millions of trees and make Pakistan a relevant olive oil producer in the region.

The council, which funds national programmes of member countries on an annual basis, is likely to fund Pakistan’s olive development initiative.

Pakistan has real potential and adequate human resources to succeed in its olive sector development plan.

– Abdellatif Ghedira, executive director, IOC

“A special focus in this phase will be given to underprivileged areas of the country, such as Southern Balochistan, Southern Punjab, the tribal areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and some parts of Sindh province,” Muhammad Tariq, national project director at the Ministry of National Food Security and Research, told Olive Oil Times.

Pakistan produces about 1,500 tons of olive oil per annum and 830 tons of table olives, all of which are destined for domestic consumption. Pakistan has set a target for olive oil production of 16,000 tons by 2027.

History of Olive in Pakistan

Olive was introduced first time in Pakistan by PARC during 1986 under an Italian Project titled “Fruit, Vegetable and olive Project” funded by Government of Italy. After this project a general survey was conducted to estimate the number of naturally occurred wild olive specie “Olea Cuspidata” and found more than 80 Million wild Olive plants in different districts of Pakistan.

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