Applicants who have an energy for enlisting in Merchant Navy and serve their Country are urged to apply. The majority of you could be pondering that what is Merchant Navy? Vendor Navy is a name given to the International Commercial Shipping.
Vendor Navy is selecting for Nautical and Engineering Cadets. Is it true or not that you are medicinally and in great shape? On the off chance that Yes! Then, at that point, what are you hanging tight for? Enlist in Merchant Navy through 60th Batch 2022
Last date of submission of Application is July 20, 2022
Eligibility Criteria
- Unmarried male citizens of Pakistan
- Maximum 20 years of age on December 31, 2022
- Maximum 21 years of age for candidates from FATA/GB/AJK/Baluchistan
- FSc Pre-engineering or equivalent with minimum 55% marks
- Candidates awaiting results may also apply with a hope certificate
Candidates will be provided 2 years of training at the academy. An associate degree in Ship management and marine engineering will be awarded by NED UET Karachi on the successful completion of the training period. Candidates will also be awarded Pre-SEA courses certified by IMO.
Incomplete applications shall be rejected. It is important to mention here that PMA bears no responsibility for the arrangement of post-education training or employment.
How to Apply
Candidates may register themselves by visiting the Pakistan Marine Academy Website
Prospectus & application forms are available with PMA Admission Office and on the PMA website.
Submit the application form along with a pay order/bank draft of Rs. 2500/- in-favor of Pakistan Marine Academy, Karachi, National Bank of PakistanthIBP), PMA Branch Code-0239. Candidates applying under Self Finance Scheme (SFS) are to submit an additional PaY order/bank draft for Rs. 300,000/- along with the application form. SFS fee will be refunded in case selected on open-merit.