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Global Regulatory Body for Crypto likely to be made for Cryptocurrency Regulations


An joint body to regulate the cryptocurrency regulations is likely to be made by International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) an association of global market regulators

Regulations of cryptocurrencies is clear need of the time. IOSCO International organization has announced the focus areas for next year with crypto regulations on top of the list alongwith the topics of COVID and climate change by calling them 3Cs.

What is IOSCO

The International Organization of Securities Commissions is an association of organizations that regulate the world’s securities and futures markets. Members are typically primary securities and/or futures regulators in a national jurisdiction or the main financial regulator from each country.

The IOSCO is a Spain based organization currently operates in more than 130 jurisdictions, covering more than 95% of the world’s markets, and is considered to be the source for global standards of market operation.

The stated goals of the IOSCO are to:

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