
Facts about china

top 10 interesting facts

about china on our planet there are a

top 10 interesting facts

about china on our planet there are a

total of 195 countries

varying greatly in population culture

geography and climate

we hear about so many of these countries

yet we don’t realize

how rich their culture actually is one

of the biggest examples of this

is the country of china for people who

live outside

our minds sometimes go straight to the

easily identifiable things

such as their population density kung fu


even their landmarks but as big of a

player as

china is on the world stage they are

still very much

shrouded in mystery many times we forget

that it is a communist country

that keeps many aspects of itself very


even more than that though regardless of

the government

let’s get into it number 10 china has

the world’s biggest mall

but it is almost a hundred percent empty

china definitely prides itself on having

the biggest and most

grand of nearly everything in the world

that was their idea when the new

south china mall was built in the

guangdong province in 2005.

it is the largest mall in the world

spanning 5 million square feet

and that’s just the shopping area it can

accommodate 2

350 stores there’s a problem

99 of this mall sits completely empty

builders made the mistake of

constructing this mall in a more rural

and poor part of the country where the

high-end luxuries that the mall

offers do not appeal to the population

so while it may be a check off the

world’s biggest list

it is totally impractical number nine

football soccer was invented in china

it is crazy to believe but the most

popular sport in the world was not

invented in europe or anywhere that you

typically see most of the crazy fans

it was invented in china originally

known as

kuju it is an ancient chinese game that

was invented in the han dynasty

sometime between the second and third

century bc

kuju was originally a competitive

activity for the military

who used it as a dexterity exercise for

their cavaliers

it eventually found its way to the upper

class as a recreational sport

originally the sport was played with a

ball filled with feathers

on a court with six crescent-shaped

goals at each end

it was eventually improved and over time

became the sport that we all know today

number eight china has 102 cities with


over 1 million people

there are lots of tracks

china’s railway lines are very extensive

and lengthy

so much so that if all of the railways

were joined in one straight line

they would circle the earth twice it

goes to show

exactly how important this method of

transportation is

to the population number four in china

there is an average of one skyscraper

built every five days

i don’t know if you’ve been paying

attention so far but just in case

let us remind you china has a lot of

people in it

the number is only getting higher too as

the country grows

so do its cities showcasing buildings

and skyscrapers that add a very distinct

urban feel to the skyline

and construction is on the rise there

are so many big cities and such a demand

for real estate

that on average there is one new

skyscraper built somewhere in china

every five days for you math people out


that means in a period of 365 days

china will have at least 73 new


so when we say that china’s population

is huge and continuing to grow

don’t take our word for it let the

buildings speak for us

number three facebook has been banned in

china since 2009.

there are many things in china that seem

very cool and respectable

however it is important to remember that

the country is a communist country

they take their image very seriously and

go to great lengths to protect it

one of the things they are most famous

for is censoring anyone and anything

that could potentially speak against

them that includes the internet

since 2009 china has banned the use of

facebook within its borders

they attempt to guard against its

citizens being told things that the

government doesn’t want them to know

their answer to this was to create their

own social media platforms

such as wechat they do and cena weibo

however there are still about 95 million

chinese users to get by the block by

using various vpn services

number two one in every five people in

the world

is chinese sometimes to understand

exactly how big something is

it is a huge number that makes the world

seem like such a smaller place

from the people who are all packed into

this country to the refugees and


who are currently living in other

countries it is a safe bet to say that

someone you know is either chinese

or of chinese origin before we get to

number one

be sure to give our video a like we like

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it makes us happy okay on to number one

number one in china the fifth leading

cause of death

is suicide china may be leading the

world in many areas

from population density to technology

but there is one statistic that they

also stand out in

that isn’t something to be quite as

proud of in china the fifth leading

cause of death

is suicide this is an alarming and

sobering statistic

how did it even get to be like this a

big reason for this in china

has to do with the way their programs

are handled by the government

for example during the economic

recession during 2007

and 2008 cases of depression started to

surge across the country

but the government doesn’t invest much

time money

or effort into the field of

psychological studies

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