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Elements Sources and their Application in Daily Life

Sodium (Na)

Sodium makes seawater salty. Sodium chloride make ice melt so it helps di-icing the frozen roads.

Potassium (K)

Potassium is vital for human body, helping muscles and nerves work properly. for this, we rely on potassium-rich food such as bananas, root vegetables and avocados which contains potassium chloride. It is also a healthy alternative to sodium chloride or common salt. Potassium nitrate is also used for toughened glass screens for mobile phones.

Rubidium (Rb)

Rubidium is used to find Tumors in human body which are clearly visible with PET (Positron emission tomography) scans.

Calcium (Ca)

Bones in animals skeleton contains the compound calcium phosphate. Calcium is very important in our diet. We get calcium by eating calcium-rich food, including diary products, green oranges are also a good source of calcium.


Iron is the most common metal in our planet. The human body uses iron to make hemoglobin, a substance in blood that carries oxygen around our body. Foods containing iron include meats and green vegetables such as spinach.


Zinc is essential in our diet. We consume it from food such as cheese and sunflower seeds.


This element is a transparent gas. Life on earth depends on oxygen for survival. Animals breathe in air to collect the oxygen in it. Our bodies’ cells then use that oxygen to break apart sugars to release energy which powers our body. Another process that involves oxygen is the burning reaction called combustion, in which oxygen reacts with a fuel and produces fire. Oxygen is also used up when it reacts with other elements to form compounds called oxides. Some rockets carry liquid oxygen to burn fuel in the absence of air in space.


Seafood, including crabsand fish provide the element in our diet. The human body needs small amounts of iodine to make an important substance called thyroxine, which helps us grow. Iodine is also used to make printing ink, red and brown food dyes and disinfectants.

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