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E-Criminal Justice System Introduces in Islamabad

E-Criminal Justice System Introduces in Islamabad

The ICT (Islamabad Capital Territory) joins hands with District Courts Islamabad to introduce E-Criminal Justice System in Islamabad for the first time in order to achieve speedy trials without the physical production of the Under Trial Prisoners (UTPs) to the courts of law.

The E-Criminal Justice System will be implemented by June 14. The Standing Operating Procedures (SOP) of Video Link for attendance and production of Under Trial Prisoners (UTPs) have been taken by concerned authorities.

According to details the present judicial lock up (Bakhshi Khana), established within F-8 Court premises, was initially built to cater to 250 UTPs. With the passage of time, the number of UTPs increased manifold due to variations in the demographics and needs of the criminal justice system in Islamabad. Resultantly, the present Bakhshi Khana has become insufficient for keeping the large number of UTPs. Moreover, due to the weather conditions, there are unhealthy conditions within Bakhshi Khana, and UTPs protest for a spacious place as well as facilities i.e. fans, water facility, latrines, etc. Besides, there is always an apprehension of escape of UTPs during transportation. At times there are quarrels among the UTPs and others.

The Senior Superintendent of Prison suggested a proposal of establishing 4/4 booths for UTPs for appearance through video link for East and West divisions and said that he has established 4 booths for each division which are ready for function and remaining will be established within ¾ days.

With the establishment of the above-said booths, UTPs production shall be digitally recorded and the UTPs will be saved from the problems at the existing Bakhshi Khana which cannot cater to large numbers of UTPs.

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