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Analysis of Errors in NMDCAT 2020

This document is a compilation of all the problems with the questions in the NMDCAT 2020 test, taken on 29th November 2020 by PMC.

For the ease of all readers, the questions have been divided into four categories:

 Type#1: Questions with no correct options (1 question) / Questions with multiple correct options (6 questions)

Type#2: Questions not from the PMC final syllabus (may be present in the books elsewhere)

(4 questions) Type#3: Questions with conflicting answers among the books (1 question) Type#4: Questions whose source material is not present amongst all books. Type#5: Questions that are out of Sindh Textbook Board books

Our team, comprising of many members from all provinces, with great knowledge of all books has thoroughly vetted the exam: making sure to consult every book again to confirm everything mentioned is actually outside the boundaries of the course/included chapter guidelines.

(All grammatical errors have been copied word for word from the original exam to retain the integrity of the original paper)

Q2: It is method for rapid production for a very large number of copies of a particular fragments of DNA:

A) Gel electrophoresis B) Polymerase chain reaction C) DNA extraction D) Recombination

Explanation:  The correct option for this is Polymerase chain reaction. Polymerase chain reaction is not in Sindh Textbook Board books. However, it is mentioned in the PMC syllabus.

Q3: Which of the following is not necessary for PCR to occur?

A) ATP B) Primers C) DNA fragments D) Rib nucleotides

Explanation: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is not present in Sindh Textbook Board books. However, it is mentioned in the PMC syllabus.

Q4: Which of the following property of water helps to maintain the integrity of lipid bilayer membranes?

A) Specific heat capacity B) Hydrogen bonding C)Cohesion and adhesion D) Hydrophobic exclusion

Q5: Phenol is more acidic than alcohols because of the following reasons:

A) Delocalization of negative charge in the OH group B) Delocalization of positive charges on the carbon atom in ring C) Delocalization of negative charge in the ring D) Delocalization of positive charge in the OH group

Q6: Which of the following reagent is used to separate and purify carbonyl and non carbonyl compounds? A) HCN B) BrMgCH3 C) NaHS03 D) H2O

Q7: Which of the following compounds show geometric isomerism?

Q8: Which of the following is the strongest acid?

A) Propanoic acid B) Fluoroethanoic acid C)Trichloroethanoic acid D)Nitroethanoic acid

Q9: For which of the following order of the reaction, rate of reaction is inversely proportional to the concentration of reaction?

A) 1st order reaction B) 2nd order reaction C) Negative order reaction D)Zero order of reaction

Explanation:  No mention of reaction orders in Sindh Textbook Board books.

Q10: One of the following is an Ohmic device:

A) Filament bulb B) Semiconductor diode C) Transistor D) Copper wire

Q11: The wavelength associated with an electron is the order of:

A) Visible light B) X-rays C) Radio waves D) Infrared

Type#5: Questions that are out of Sindh Textbook Board  books: 

Ql: Red algae do not contribute towards:

A) Making coral reefs B) Forming limestone deposits C) Making fertilizers D) Forming chalk deposits.

Q11: The domestic electricity supply has a frequency of:

A) 150Hz B) 100Hz C)50 Hz D) 25 Hz Explanation: There is no mention of the domestic electricity supply in PTB and Balochistan Textbook board books (BTBB). There is only an example 15.6 where it is written that an AC generator with 200 coils is operating at 50 Hz electricity supply. It is presented as a variable value. No mention of domestic electricity supply is made in any relevant chapters within the syllabus and this value is present in NBF books though.

Q3: L Asparaginase enzyme has been used for the treatment of : A) Jaundice B) blood cancer C)rickets D) heart disease Explanation: Not present in NBF. KPK and Sindh rextb000k board books (STB). Only mentioned in the enzymes section of biodiversity in PTB.

Q4: Select an Anamniote from the following: A) Snake B) Parrot C)Frog D)Crocodil e

Explanation: mention of Anamniotes is not present in the PTB chapter of kingdom Animalia.

Q5: Which of the following is not related to an enveloped virus ? A) They survive for a short time B)Their envelope is sensitive to sunlight C)They are tolerant to antibodies D) Envelope is derived from host Explanation:  Mention of lifespan and light sensitivity is not present in PTB and Balochistan Textbook board books (BTBB). The lifespan inside or outside the host is also not specified

Q6: Select a method which causes the oxidation of chemical constituents of bacterial cell:

A) Steam B)Dry Heat C)Filtration D) Radiation Explanation: Kingdom Prokaryotes chapter has no mention of oxidation of chemical constituents of bacterial cell in the KPK, NBF and Sindh Textboard Books (STB).

Q7: Which of the following neurotransmitters function as both neurotransmitters and hormones, decreasing our perception of pain: A) Epinephrine B) Serotonin C)Dopamine D) Endorphins Explanation: Endorphins (the correct option) are not mentioned in PTB and KPK.

Q8: In which process the entirety of heat supplied to the gas is converted to the internal energy of the gas A) isochoric process B) isobaric process C)isothermal process D) adiabatic process Explanation: Mention of terms isochoric or Isobaric are not mentioned in PILT,

Q9: R-X on reaction with alcohols forms A) R-OH B) ROR C)R-X-OH D) RH Explanation: The reaction of alkyl halide (R-X) with alcohol is not mentioned in PTB. However. it is mentioned in NBF. Ether (ROR) is the correct answer and ethers are not included in PMC syllabus.

Q10: Autoimmune diseases act at the principle of: A) self against antigens B) antigen against self C)self against self D) antigen self destroyed Explanation:  Not present in PTB, KPK and Sindh Textboard books (SIB)

Type#3: Questions with conflicting answers  among the books:  Ql: In Full wave rectification. the diodes are used A) 1 B) 2 C)3 D)4 Explanation:  PTB says 4 diodes are Used whilst federal says 2 are used. both are different types of rectification. so both options B and D are correct, thus this question not only has conflicting answers but multiple correct answers depending upon the source being considered.

Type#2: Questions Not from the PMC Syllabus: (4 questions)

01: What is the main difference between X rays and gamma rays? A) Frequency B) Wavelength C)Energy D)Origin Explanation: PMC syllabus headers/Learning objectives do not include gamma rays and X-rays. All options are correct.

Q2: The earth rotates on its axis once a day. Suppose, by some process the earth contracts so that its radius is half as large as at present. Then how long will the earth take to complete its rotation? A) 24 hours B) 18 hours C)6 hours D) 12 hours

Explanation:  Absolute potential energy, angular momentum. and

are not mentioned in the PMC syllabus. The answer cannot be derived from centripetal force. and other subtopics which come under “circular motion” in the PMC syllabus. thus there is no way to solve this question correctly from within the PMC syllabus.

Q3: During meiosis the homologous chromosomes come together and form pairs this process is called: A) Linkage B)Synapse C)Pairing D)Crossing Over

Explanation:  The process of meiosis and mitosis is not in syllabus. The chapter “cell cycle” is also not present in the NBF. Balochistan Textbook Board (BTBB) and KPK board books.

Q4: At what phase is the DNA content of a cell doubled? A) Prophase B) Interphase C)Anaphase D)Telophase

Explanation: No mention of “s phase” in PTB. The process of meiosis and mitosis is not in the syllabus. The chapter “cell cycle” is also not present in the NBF,KPK and Balochistan Textbook Board books (BTBB).

Q3: A 1.75m heighted weight lifter raises weights with a mass of 50kg to a height of 0.5m above his head. how much work is being done by him? A)2125 J B)2500J C)50 J D)1225J Explanation:  The correct answer is 1125. but is not available in the in the options. This question was removed from the list because it is a minor error and the most correct closest answer is clear. For the sake of arguments it can be said that forces such as air resistance aren’t being considered in the 1125 answer nor the inability of the human kinetic chain to deliver 100% of the force generated to the object. so 1225 is actually a very plausible answer.

Type#1: Questions with No correct options/ Multiple  correct options: 

Question with no correct option (1 question): 

Q1: Hemophilia A and B. color blindness and testicular feminization are examples of: A)X linked Dominant trait B)Y linked recessive trait C)Y linked dominant trait D) Pseudoautosomal trait Explanation:  The correct answer is X linked recessive which is not present amongst the options.

Questions with multiple correct options (6 questions): 

Q2: The newton-second is the Unit of: A) Work B) Power C)Impulse D) Momentum Explanation: Both options C) and D) are correct because kgms-1 are the units of both impulse and momentum. and both C and D can be expressed as “Newton-second” there was no mention of Si units in the question either.

03: Which of the following is not a molecular solid? A) Bromine B) Sulphur C) Phosphorus D)Carbon dioxide Explanation: Sulphur and phosphorus are both molecular solids at room temperature whilst carbon dioxide and bromine are both gasses. If you cool both bromine and carbon dioxide down enough. they too will also form molecular solids, so technically all 4 options are correct and the question is too vague.

Q4: The directional movement towards or away from a stimulus is called

A) Tropism      B) Orientation             C) Taxis D)Non orientation

Explanation:  Both “tropism” and “taxis” are movements towards a stimulus (mentioned with phototropism and chemotaxis). Both options were also out of PMC syllabus as phototropism was present in functions in plants and was not included in the kingdom plantae chapter and the learning objectives of any chapter provided by PMC. Chemotaxis was mentioned in kingdom prokaryotes but was not included in the syllabus points and was beyond the learning objectives of any chapter specified by PMC in their syllabus.

05: In transmission from grid system power losses are minimized by:

 A) Increasing Current B) Decreasing Current C) Increasing Resistance D) Increasing Voltage Explanation:  Options B) and D) are both correct as you both increase voltage and decrease current in the process. in fact both actions go hand in hand and one cannot happen without the other.

Q6:Under what condition an object will have zero displacement but non zero distance

A) liner motion B) circular Motion C)Random Motion D) Oscillation Explanation:  Circular motion (B) and Oscillation (D) are both correct options. Both can have zero displacement and question needs to me more specified if its either of the options.

Q12: The change in resistance of a metallic conductor at temperature below 0 C is:

A) Non linear B) Curve C) Linear D) Curvelinear

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