
Amazing facts about animals and birds

welcome to amazing animal facts did you know the cheetah is not the fastest

animal a whale is not a fish and a spider is not an insect come let’s learn

some amazing facts about animals the fastest land animal is the cheetah but

it’s not the fastest animal on earth the black Merlin is faster than a cheetah it

lives in water the peregrine falcon is faster than a black Merlin it is the

fastest animal on earth.

What are four birds that cannot fly

ostrich EMU Kiwi and penguin.

 The slowest

animal on earth is the sloth

 the largest

animal blue whale which animal makes the

loudest noise it’s the Pistons shrimp

the animal with the shortest life span

is the mayfly it lives only for one day

what’s the animal with the longest life

span it’s the modal jellyfish

it never really dies which animal sleeps

the longest it’s the koala it sleeps for

22 hours every day a dolphin is not a

fish it’s a mammal what’s a rhino’s horn

made of it’s made of hair a shark never

sleeps which animal has the best


it’s the Raptors such as eagles and hawks they can locate a mouse on the

ground from high up in the sky the cuckoo is the laziest bird it is too

lazy to build its own nest it lays its eggs in other birds nests the animal

with the best sense of smell is the bear

can a tiger swim yes in fact it’s a very

good swimmer which is the most poisonous

animal poison dart frog what’s the

venomous animal box jellyfish but do you

know the difference between poisonous

and venomous let me help you understand

a mushroom can be poisonous a snake is

usually venomous poison spreads in the

body when you eat or drink it venom

spreads in a body when something bites

or stings you I hope the difference is


what’s the tallest animal in the world

is the giraffe of course the strongest

animal in the world is not a rhino or an


it’s the dung beetle it can lift a

weight that is 1,000 times its own body

weight the animal that jumps the highest

is the flea it can jump 220 times its

own body length thus like saying you

jumping over a 100 storey building the

saltwater crocodile has the most

powerful bite the largest bird is the

ostrich these birds are taller than

human beings is frog a reptile no it’s

an amphibian and Fabian’s can live in

water as well as on land the smallest

bird in the world is the bee hummingbird

what’s the smartest animal it’s the

Raven and the most creative animal is

the chimpanzee chimpanzees can make and

use tools like we human beings what is

the deadliest animal it is the Anopheles

mosquito it kills so many human beings

every year did you know a whale is not a

fish it’s a mammal like the dolphin

mammals give birth to young ones fish

lay eggs the Greyhound is the fastest

dog the Chihuahua is the smallest dog

the longest snake is the Python and the

largest snake is the green anaconda.

what’s the

mammal that can fly if you know the

answer hit the like button and write a

comment .

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